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Cascade Innovations Showroom
21361 SE HWY 212
Damascus OR 97089
MTL has been significantly improved with new technologically advanced additive systems that drastically improve clutch life and reduce slippage. While accomplishing this, MTL provides outstanding anti-wear protection and lubrication to the transmission as well. This new formula has been extensively tested on the race track by many of the nation's top MX teams and tuners and is now available to the serious competitor.
Recommended by Hinson Clutch Components.
For all air and water-cooled 2-cycle and 4-cycle transmissions with wet clutch systems. Also, designed and tested for the 'wet brake' systems found on some ATVs.
Provides outstanding anti-wear protection and lubrication to the transmission.
Formulated to improve clutch life and reduce slippage.
Clutch saver formula provides exceptional lubrication and wear protection for all critical clutch and transmission components.
Safe for use with aluminum and steel plates.
Technical Data:
SAE viscosity: 80WT.
Grade SAE: MTL-R.
Color D 1500: Honey.
Gravity: 29.6° A.P.I.
Viscosity SUS @ 100F: 328.
Viscosity SUS @ 210F: 55.1.
Viscosity cSt @ 40C;: 63.45.
Viscosity cSt @ 100C: 8.57.
Pour point: -12F.
Flash point: 465F.
Fire point: 500F.
Viscosity index: 125.